PSWC 2023
New video : PSWC 2022’ Paris Slalom World Cup

After a two years break, PSWC came back and united more than 180 skaters from 14 countries to challenge each other and show their best.
The official video made by Muky is showing the highlights of the first main event of the year.
PSWC IS BACK 14-17 JULY 2022
E-Freestyle : Freestyle Slalom International Video
"The few" in collaboration with WISA and World Slalom Series are proud to announce the first freestyle slalom international video contest!
The E-freestyle contest is an individual freestyle slalom competition where each participant competes by making a video showing his/her own performance.
There is an entry fee of €10 to enter the event.
It is open to all skaters, and will be judged by certified judges, which will establish a classification.
The two categories for this event are Men and Women.
The minimum age to participate is 12 years old. (Born on or before 2009)
Participants under 18 years old must confirm consent from their parents or legal guardian.
The competition format will be a Freestyle Classic format.
Prizes :
Open men’s Open women’s
1st $400USD 1st $400USD
2nd $200USD 2nd $200USD
3rd $100USD 3rd $100USD
There will be additional spot prizes for things like best edit, best trick.
The best videos of each category (Top 20) will be selected and announced during a live show that will be presented on 21st of August, 2pm Paris time.
There will be no ranking point awarded for this event this time.
New World Ranking rules 2021 validated by World

The new World Ranking rules have been finally validated by World Skate at the end of June.
They are now available on the World Skate official website here :
Because of the world sanitary situation, without having the possibility to organise international events for more than one year, the new 2021 ranking that should be available very soon, will restart with international events, being held in 2019, and using the new point system as stated in the 2021 rules. More news later.
Season 2020 : New Rules and World Ranking in cooperation with World Skate

Since the end of 2019, we have started a process to get closer with World Skate and have common work project about international rules and world rankings. (See article here)
We are proud to announce that from now on we have already common rules with World Skate, which are now available on the World Skate official website here :
Starting from this year, we will launch through World Skate a common World Ranking, with updated rules, this ranking will start from January 2020 ranking with a new point system, updates about events' categories, and more... to improve our sport and become more and more official.
We will keep you updated with new rules and more details very soon !
2019 Season Summary

The 2019 season is over. In anticipation of the upcoming season's news, let's see the world ranking changes in 2019.
Men's Freestyle Classic and Freestyle Battle.
In 2019, Degli Agostini Valerio and Guslandi Lorenzo shared leadership of the Men's Freestyle Classic World Ranking. Taking the first place of the Ranking in October 2018 and the first half of 2019, Valerio was at the top. During the last six months, Lorenzo remained unbeaten in the first position of the Ranking.
In the Freestyle Battle World Ranking, both Italians skaters continued the struggle for the lead with an advantage for Valerio, who stayed in first place for 10 months out of 12. He climbed to the TOP in November 2018 and stayed there for 9 months in a row. In August he was replaced by Lorenzo but came back in September for 3 more months. In December 2019, Lorenzo Guslandi took the lead again and became the world number one for both Freestyle disciplines: Classic and Battle.
Men's Speed Slalom.
Taking the lead in November 2018, Ranjbar Pedram (Aut) remained unbeaten for 14 months in a row. He is still far away from Ferrari Tiziano's record who stayed on the top for 24 consecutive months, but he is approaching another record made by Nai Oleari Simone (Ita), who was the world number one for 27 months in total. For now, Pedram took first place in the Men's Speed Slalom World Ranking 25 times.
Men's Freestyle Slides.
Kanygin Andrey (Ukr), who became the world number one in August 2018, kept the lead for the first half of 2019 until July 2019 when he was replaced by Shirobokov Denis (Rus). Denis kept the world number one title for two months in a row, then in September 2019 he left the TOP for one month to Rubio Mesas Enrique (Esp) but returned to the first place right after for two months more. In December 2019, Rubio Mesas Enrique (Esp) came back to the TOP of the Men's Freestyle Slides World Ranking.
Men's Free Jump.
Since October 2019 and for almost all time, the Free Jump leaderships belonged to Italian skater Demuru Lorenzo. He was the world number one every month, except July 2019, when Dame Fall (Sen) achieved the TOP for one month and December 2019, when another Italian skater, Pallazzi Matteo, climbed to the first place of the Men's Free Jump World Ranking for the first time in his skating career.
Women's Freestyle Classic and Freestyle Battle.
In Women's Freestyle Classic, Hartmanis Klaudia (Pol) who became the world number one in November 2018, remained unbeaten all the year long. In Freestyle Battle, which she lead starting from August 2018, she was replaced only twice this year, by Kuznetsova Daria (Rus) in November 2019 and in December 2019 by Maslova Vasilisa (Blr).
Women's Speed Slalom.
Granjon Lily (Fra) took the first place of the Women's Speed Slalom World Ranking in August 2018 and stayed at the TOP for eleven months in a row until July 2019 when she was replaced by Kogoyakova Darya (Rus). Two months later, the lead went to Italian Paoli Elisa who has stayed on the top until now.
Women's Freestyle Slides.
The fight for the Women's Freestyle Slides top between Krykova Natalia (Rus) and Hotsko Bohdana (Ukr), which began in 2018, continued throughout the 2019 season. Last year, the advantage was mainly for Natalia, but in 2019 Bohdana was leading the ranking much more often than her rival. Taking first place in November 2018, Bohdana kept it until June 2019, when she was replaced by Natalia for two months. Then she got back her world number one title for two more months and was replaced by Natalia one more time in November 2019. In December 2019 Bohdana climbed back to the TOP of the Women's Freestyle Slides World Ranking. Despite this, Natalia made a new record for the total quantity of months on the TOP, and was the world number one 32 times total, the previous record made by Fokina Olga was for 30 months.
Women's Free Jump.
Pavanello Giorgia (Ita), the world number one since October 2018, stayed in first place until June 2019. Then she was replaced by another Italian skater, Crippa Arianna who stayed on the top for one month. Krykova Natalia (Rus) was the world number one in July and August 2019, and then she gave up the lead to Pavanello Giorgia (Ita) again. October-November 2019 was lead by Pacchetti Elisa (Ita) and then Pavanello Giorgia (Ita) who came back to the TOP in December 2019.
Pair Slalom.
For almost the entire 2019 season, the lead belonged to Degli Agostini Valerio and Guslandi Lorenzo from Italy, except for July and August 2019, when Brzezinska Zofia and Hartmanis Klaudia from Poland went to the TOP. Degli Agostini Valerio and Guslandi Lorenzo own both records for total months in the TOP (28) and for consecutive leading months (24).
December 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of December is out! After the two main events of December, Valladolid Lemons Battle in Spain and Marshal Cup in Iran, many changes took place in December World Rankings and we now have six new World Number ones! There are now new leaders in the Men's and Women's Freestyle Battle, Freestyle Slides and Free Jump categories.
Battle Men: Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita), who won Battle's final in Spain, is coming back to the first place of the Men's Battle World Ranking. After 3 months on the TOP, Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) lost one place and is down to the second position. Thanks to his victory in Iran, Sergey Kozlov (Rus) is up to the fifth place (+5).
Battle Women: After her victory in Valladolid Lemons Battle, Vasilisa Maslova (Blr), is up to the TOP of the Women's Freestyle Battle World Ranking for the first time in her skating career! Vasilisa is the first skater from Belarus who has ever reached the TOP of the World ranking! After one month in the first place, Daria Kuznetsova (Rus), who could not attend the main competition in Spain, lost 1 rank and is down to the second place. Thanks to her victory in Iran, Nadezhda Zapuskalova (Rus) is up to the fourth place (+3).
Slides Men: The winner of the Slides final of Valladolid Lemons Battle, Enrique Rubio Mesas (Esp) came back to the TOP of the Men's Slides World Ranking, winning 3 places. After 2 months in the first place, Denis Shirobokov (Rus) is down to the second place. The best up for this month is for Samuele Confalonieri (Ita), who entered the TOP-10 in the 10th place, winning 25 ranks.
Slides Women: Thanks to her victory in Spain, Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) came back to the first place of the Women's Slides World Ranking, replacing Natalia Krykova (Rus) who was at the TOP in November. After reaching third place in Lemons Battle, Laura Abraham Fernandez (Esp), is up to the fifth place, winning 15 ranks.
Jump Men: Thanks to his victory in Spain, Matteo Pallazzi (Ita) won 4 ranks and is up directly to the first place of the World Ranking, for the first time in his skating career! He is the second Italian skater to reach the top, after Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) who was leading the Men's Free Jump World Ranking last month. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) lost two places and is now third. Jakub Flaga (Pol) is up to the second place (+1).
Jump Women: The winner of the Lemons Battle Free Jump final, Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) won 3 ranks and came back to the TOP of the Women's Free Jump World Ranking. After two months in the first position, Elisa Pacchetti (Ita) is down to the second place. Matilde Arosio (Ita) is now 5th (+12).
Classic Men: Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is world number one for the sixth month in a row! The best up for this month is for Pau Bosch Coll (Esp), who entered the TOP-20 in the 8th position, winning 25 ranks. Thanks to his great results in Iran, Sergey Kozlov (Rus) is up to the 3rd place (+5).
Classic Women: Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her first place for 14 months. Nadezhda Zapuskalova (Rus) is up to the third place, winning 4 ranks. Paula Royo (Esp) entered the TOP-20 on the twelfth position (+15).
Speed Men: Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut), who won Men's Speed Slalom final in Spain, is still in the first place as he’s been in for 14 months in a row. Jimmy Fort (Fra) won 5 ranks and is now in fourth place. Matteo Pallazzi (Ita) is up to the eleventh place, winning 21 ranks.
Speed Women: Elisa Paoli (Ita) is keeping her first place of the ranking for 4 months in a row. Thanks to her second place in the Lemons Battle, Zoe Granjon (Fra) is up to the second place, winning 4 ranks. Laurine Moreno (Fra) is now seventh (+8).
Pair Freestyle Slalom: Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) are finishing the 2019 season at the TOP. They are keeping the world number one title for the fourth month in a row. Ogihara Misato and Ogihara Manami from Japan won 5 ranks and are up to the 4th place.
November 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of November is online! Two big Chinese events, main Shanghai Slalom Open and prime Wu Yi Shan Slalom Open brought us many changes in the top levels of the World Ranking. There are now new leaders in the Women's Freestyle Battle and Women's Freestyle Slides categories!
Battle Women : After 15 months on the top, Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol), who didn't compete in China this year, lost two places and is down to the 3rd position. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) came back to the 1st place of the Women's Battle World Ranking. She is the current World Ranking record holder (22 consecutive months on the TOP and 55 total months) so let's see for how long she will stay on the top this time! Yana Shemyakinskaya (Rus), who won prime Battle in Russia in November, is up to the 4th place, winning 5 ranks. The best up for this month is for Maryna Boiko (Ukr) who, thanks to her good results in China, entered the TOP-20 on the 10th place, winning 61 ranks.
Slides Women : Thanks to her 2nd place in SSO, Natalia Krykova (Rus) came back to the first place of the Women's Slides Wolrd Ranking. After two months on the top, Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is down to the second position.
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 3 months. Thanks to his 2nd place in SSO and 1st place in WYS, Artyom Puzanov (Rus) won 3 ranks and is up to the 4th position. The best up for this month is for Roman Rostovtsev (Rus) and Amir Azadfallah (Iri) who entered the TOP-20 on the 7th and 16th places, winning 38 and 50 ranks respectively.
Classic Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keeps his first place for 5th month in a row. Artyom Puzanov (Rus), thanks to his great results in China, is up to the 4th place, winning 15 ranks. The best up for this month is for Roman Rostovtsev (Rus) who entered the TOP-20 on the 12th place, winning 62 ranks.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is the world number one for 13th month in a row. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) is up to the 3rd place, winning 4 ranks. Olga Bamatter-Rodriguez (Rus) is now 4th (+6 places). Maryna Boiko (Ukr) entered the TOP-20 on the 10th place, winning 46 ranks.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is keeping his first place of the ranking for 13 months in a row. Lorenzo Degli Agostini (Ita) won 3 ranks and is up to the 4th position. Francesco Faugno (Ita) is up to the 11th place (+19).
Speed Women : Elisa Paoli (Ita) is the world number one already for 3 months in a row. Zoe Granjon (Fra), who missed Chinese events this year, lost 3 places and is down to the 6th position.
Slides Men : Denis Shirobokov (Rus) is staying at the first place of the world ranking for the second month in a row. Brais Garcia (Esp) lost 4 positions and is now 9th.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for the 4th month in a row. Roman Akberov (Rus) is up to the 7th position (+4).
Jump Women : No changes this month. Elisa Pacchetti (Ita) keeps her number one title for the second month in a row.
Pair Freestyle Slalom : Italians, Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi are staying at the first place of the world ranking for the third month in a row. Chiu Yin Hsuan and Chiu Yu Ting (Tpe) won 13 ranks and are up to the 4th position.
October 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of October is out! After Busto Battle and Zhongning International Skating Open some changes appeared in October World Ranking - we have now two new World N°1!
Slides Men : Thanks to his Busto victory, Denis Shirobokov (Rus) came back to the TOP of the World Ranking! After one month on the first place, Enrique Rubio Mesas (Esp) lost 3 ranks and is down to the 4th position. Eric Zaghini (Ita) won 3 places and is now second. Diego Sebastiani (Ita) is up to the 7th position (+13).
Jump Women : Getting third place in Busto, Elisa Pacchetti (Ita) is up directly to the top of the Women's Free Jump World Ranking, for the first time of her skating career! Thanks to her Busto victory, Alena Efimova (Rus) won 10 ranks and is now second! After one month on the TOP, Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) is down to the 4 place (-3). Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) entered the TOP-10 on the 10th place, winning 10 ranks.
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is keeping his first place of the ranking for the second month in a row. Sergey Kozlov (Rus) is up to the 9th position, winning 17 ranks. Carlos Nelson (Esp) lost 11 places and is now 16th.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 15 months. Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) is now on the second position, winning 8 ranks, thanks to her second place in Busto. The Busto winner, Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) won 30 places and is up directly to the 3rd position.
Classic Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is the world number one for 4th month in a row. Gleb Vinogradov (Rus) won two ranks and is up to the 5th position. Wang Zi Kang (Chn) is up to the 13th place, winning 25 ranks.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for one year! Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) won 9 places and is now second. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) came back to the TOP-10, winning 29 ranks, she is now 7th!
Speed Men : Getting the Busto victory, Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is the world number one already for one year! Enrico La Volpe (Ita) is now on the 4th place (+1). Francesco Pavanello (Ita) won 2 ranks and is now on the 8th position.
Speed Women : Elisa Paoli (Ita) is keeping her first place of the ranking for the second month in a row. Gomathi Berti and Elisa Scaglia from Italy won 2 ranks and are up to the 5th and 6th places respectively.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is the world number one for the second month in a row. Thanks to her second place in Busto, Alena Efimova (Rus) won 15 ranks and is now on the 4th position. Zhu Muyuan (Esp) lost 6 places and is now 10th.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for the third month in a row. Fall Dame (Sen) is down to the 7th position (-4). Matteo Pallazzi (Ita) is up to the 5th place (+13).
Pair Freestyle Slalom : No changes this month. Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi from Italy are keeping their first place for the second month in a row.
September 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of September is online! Arnold Classic Europe, the main event which was held in Spain on September, brought us many changes in the top levels of the World Ranking.There are now new leaders in the Men's Freestyle Battle, Women's Speed Slalom, Men's and Women's Freestyle Slides, Women's Free Jump and Freestyle Slalom Pair categories!
Battle Men : Thanks to his Arnold Battle victory, Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) came back to the top of the world ranking! This time, after one month on the first place, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is down to the second position. Lorenzo Degli Agostini (Ita) is up to the 4th place, winning 3 ranks. Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita) is now 8th (+12).
Speed Women : After her second place of Arnold, Elisa Paoli (Ita) won 2 ranks and she is now the new world number one, for the first time in her skating career! Elisa is the third Italian skater on the top of the Womens' Speed Slalom World Ranking after Barbara Bossi and Cristina Rotunno. After two months on the first place, Darya Kogoyakova (Rus), who didn't attend the Arnold Classic, lost two positions and is down to the third place. The Arnold's Speed Slalom winner, Laura La Volpe (Ita) is up to the 4th position, winning 3 ranks.
Slides Men : Enrique Rubio Mesas (Esp), the winner of the Arnold Slides final, is the new Men's Slides world number one for the very first time in his career! He is second Spanish skater on the Men's Slides world top after Carlos Nelson. Denis Shirobokov (Rus) who didn't compete in Spain, is down to the second position. The best up for this month is for Anton Mosolov (Rus) who, thanks to his second place in Spain, entered the TOP-10 on the 8th place, winning 32 ranks.
Slides Women : After her Spanish victory, Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) got back the first place of the Women's Slides World Ranking. After 2 months on the top, Natalia Krykova (Rus) is down to the second position. Anna Petrova (Rus) thanks to her good result of Arnold, won 20 ranks and is up to the 6th position.
Jump Women : Getting third place in Arnold Free Jump competition, Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) came back to the top of the Women's Free Jump World Ranking. After two months on the first place, Natalia Krykova (Rus) lost 4 positions and is down to the 5th place. The Arnolds Free Jump competition winner, Anna Petrova (Rus) entered the top-10 on the 4th place, winning 12 ranks.
Pair Freestyle Slalom : Thanks to their Arnold victory, Italians, Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi are came back to the top of the Pair Freestyle World Ranking. After two months on the top, Zofia Brzezinska (Pol) and Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) are down to the 6th place, loosing 5 ranks.
Classic Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 3rd month. The best up for this month is for Artem Puzanov (Rus) who, thanks to his 4th place in Spain, entered the TOP-20 on the 16th place, winning 33 ranks.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is the world number one for 11th month in a row. Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) who get the second place in Arnold, entered the TOP-20 on the 11 position, winning 24 ranks.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her world number one title already for 14 months in a row. The winner of Arnold Women's Battle final, Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) is up to the 10th place, winning 36 ranks.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is still the world number one already for 11 months. Alessandro Lissoni (Ita) who won the Arnold Speed Slalom final is now on the second position (+2). Enrico La Volpe (Ita) won 2 ranks and is up to the 5th place.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for the second month in a row. The winner of Arnold Men's Jump competition, Jakub Flaga (Pol) is up to the third position (+5). Tommaso Isman (Ita) is now second (+1).
August 2019 World Ranking

After prime Italian event Conero Hero Battle and main Russian competition RollerClub Cup 2019, some changes took place in August World Rankings and we have now two new World N°1 !
Battle Men : Thanks to his battle victory in Moscow, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) came back to the top of the world ranking! Last time he was staying at the first place for 4 months in a row, let's see how long he will keep the leadership this time. After 9 months on the TOP Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is down to the second position.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is coming back to the first place of the world ranking. After one month on the TOP, Dame Fall (Sen) is down to the second position. The best up for this month is for Nunes Martins Andre Luiz (Bra) who entered the TOP-10 on the 8th place, winning 24 ranks.
Classic Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is the world number one for 2nd month in a row. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) won 2 ranks and is up to the 3rd position. Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita) is now 7th (+3).
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 10 months. The best up for this month is for Yana Shemyakinskaya (Rus) who entered the TOP-20 on the 6th place, winning 18 ranks. Su Fei Qian (Chn) lost 13 places and is down to the 16th position.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her world number one title already for 13 months in a row. Yana Shemyakinskaya (Rus) won 29 places and is up to the 7th position.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is leading the Men's Speed Slalom World Ranking already for 10th months. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) won 3 ranks and is up to the second position. Matteo Allegrini (Ita) is now 3rd (+1). Gian Marco Rosato (Ita) entered the TOP-20 on the 12th place, winning 49 ranks.
Speed Women : Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) is still the world number one for the second month in a row. Nadezhda Zapuskalova (Rus) won 36 ranks and is up to the 16th position.
Slides Men : Denis Shirobokov (Rus) keeps his world number one title for 2nd month in a row. Francesco Pavanello (Ita) entered the TOP-10 on the 8th place, winning 20 ranks.
Slides Women : Krykova Natalia (Rus) is the world number one for 2nd month! Olga Fokina (Rus) lost 3 places and is down to the 5th position. Elisa Pandiani (Ita) is now 10th (+12).
Jump Women : Natalia Krykova (Rus) is still the world number one, for 2nd month in a row. Aline Sayuri Saito (Bra) entered the TOP-10 on the 10th place, winning 18 ranks.
Pair Freestyle Slalom : Zofia Brzezinska and Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) are keeping their first place for the second month in a row.
New video : PSWC 2019

The official video from Paris Slalom World Cup 2019!
Enjoy the best moments of the first main event of the year in this new video, filmed and edited by Denis Shirobokov and Daria Konyukhova.
July 2019 World Ranking

In the July World Rankings, many big changes happened due to the lack of the Inline Games this year and after the Paris Slalom World Cup - the first main event of the season. Almost all disciplines have a new World N°1 !
Classic Men : Thanks to his PSWC Classic victory, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) came back to the first place of the world ranking! After 9 months on the TOP, Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is down to the second position. Zhang Hao (Chn) won 18 ranks and came back to the TOP-20 on the 9 place. The best up for this month is for Hsieh Mu-Lun (Tpe) who entered the TOP-20 on the 18th place, winning 33 ranks.
Speed Women : Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) is now the new world number one in the Women's Speed Slalom! She is the first Russian skater to lead the Women's Speed Slalom World Ranking! Lily Granjon (Fra) who was not competing in PSWC this year, is loosing 2 places and is down to the third position after 11 months on the TOP.
Slides Men : Denis Shirobokov (Rus), thanks to his 2nd place of PSWC, is coming back to the first position of the world ranking! After 11 months on the TOP, Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is down to the 6th position, loosing 5 ranks. Enrique Rubio Mesas (Esp) is now second (+3). The best up for this month is for Eric Zaghini (Ita) who entered the TOP-10 on the 4th place, winning 11 ranks.
Slides Women : Krykova Natalia (Rus) came back to the first place of the Women's Slides World ranking! Due to the lack of the Inline Games and despite her PSWC victory, Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is down to the 4th position after 8 months on the TOP.
Jump Men : Thanks to his great results during this season, Dame Fall (Sen) is now the new world number one! He is the very first skater, who representing Senegal, on the TOP of the WSSA world ranking! After 9 months on the TOP, Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is down to the second position.
Jump Women : Natalia Krykova (Rus) came back to the TOP of the Women's Free Jump Ranking for the second time in her skating career. Arianna Crippa (Ita) lost one position and is now second. Elisa Pacchetti (Ita) entered the TOP-10 on the 3rd place, winning 18 ranks.
Pair Freestyle Slalom : Zofia Brzezinska and Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) are now the new world number one! After 2 years of leading the Pair Freestyle Slalom world ranking, Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) are going down to the 3rd place, loosing 2 ranks.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her world number one title already for 9th month in a row. The best up for this month is for Su Fei Qian (Chn) who thanks to her PSWC victory entered the TOP-20 on the 3rd place, winning 34 ranks. Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) lost 5 positions and is now 7th.
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 9 months in a row. The best up for this month is for Hsieh Mu-Lun (Tpe) who entered the TOP-20 on the 12th place, winning 33 ranks.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for one year. Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) lost 10 places and is down to the 12th place.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is the world number one already for 9th month in a row. Zhang Hao (Chn) won 23 ranks and is up to the 9th position. Eric Zaghini (Ita) is now 15th (+33).
June 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of June 2019 is online. After Roller Cup 2019, the prime Italian event which took place in Monza in June, we have a new world number one in Women's Free Jump!
Jump Women : After 8 months on the top, Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) lost one rank and is down to the 2nd position, leaving the 1st place to Arianna Crippa (Ita). Elisa Scaglia (Ita) is up to the 9th place (+9).
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is the world number one already for 9 months. Matteo Pallazzi (Ita) is up directly to the 2nd position, winning 6 ranks. Dame Fall (Sen) is now on the 6th place (+5).
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for 8th month in a row. Matteo Allegrini (Ita) won 9 ranks and is up to the 6th place. Yuki Nicolhas Santoni (Ita) is now on the 9th position (+11). Matteo Pallazzi and Nicolas Vanucci from Italy are up to the 16th and 17th places respectively.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) is leading the Women's Speed Slalom World Ranking for 11th consecutive month. The best up for this month is for Elisa Scaglia (Ita) who entered the TOP-20 on the 10th place, winning 19 ranks.
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) keeps his world number one title already for 9th month in a row. Yuki Nicolhas Santoni (Ita) is up to the 4th position, winning 6 ranks. Nicolas Vanucci (Ita) is now 12th (+11).
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is the world number one already for 8th month in a row. The best up for this month is for Justyna Czapla (Pol) who entered the TOP-20 on the 10th place, winning 24 ranks.
Men's Battle World Ranking still led by Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) for 8 months in a row. Sergey Kozlov (Rus) is down to the 20th place, loosing 10 places. Yuki Nicolhas Santoni (Ita) is up to the 9th position (+9).
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 11 months. Laura La Volpe (Ita) won 17 ranks and is up to the 12th position. Camilla Morbidoni (Ita) is now on the 14th place, winning 19 ranks. Oksana Pervenenok (Rus) lost 10 places and is down to the 20th position.
Slides Men : TOP-10 knows no changes this month. Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is leading the Men's Slides Ranking for 11th month in a row.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) keeps her world number one title already for 8th month in a row.
In Pair Freestyle Slalom, the world ranking is still dominated by Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita). They keep their first place for the 24th month in a row.
May 2019 World Ranking

In the May World Rankings, few changes happened due to the first prime event of the season but all the previous leaders kept their places for another month.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is leading the Men's Speed Slalom World Ranking for 7th consecutive month. Remy Menard (Fra) won 4 ranks and is up to the 17th place.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so for 10th month in a row. Zhu Muyuan (Esp) is down to the 20th position, loosing 11 ranks.
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is the world number one already for 8th month in a row. Sergey Kozlov (Rus) lost 8 places and is down to the 20th position.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her world number one title already for 7 months. Ksenia Dubinchik (Rus) is down to the 7th place (-3). Daria Kuznetsova (Rus), Daria Konyukhova (Rus) and Nadezhda Zapuskalova (Rus) won one place and are up to the 4th, 5th and 6th positions respectively. Zoe Granjon (Fra) is now on the 13th place (-4).
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 7 months. The best up for this month is for Artyom Puzanov (Rus), who entered the TOP-20 on the 17th place, winning 26 ranks, thanks to his Battle victory of the Rennes Sur Roulette main event.
Women's Battle World Ranking still led by Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) for 10 months in a row! Zoe Granjon (Fra) lost 3 ranks and is now 5th. Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) and Lily Granjon (Fra) won 1 place and are up to the 2nd and 3rd places respectively. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) is up to the 4th position, winning 2 ranks.
Slides Men : No changes in the TOP-10 this month. Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) keeps his world number one title already for 10th month in a row.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is leading the Women's Slides Ranking for 7th month in a row.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is the world number one already for 8 months. Roman Akberov (Rus) won 3 ranks and is up to the 6th position.
Jump Women : Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) is the world number one for 8 months in a row. Thanks to her results last year, she is better ranked than Arianna Crippa (Ita) who is on the second position with the same number of points.
In Pair Freestyle Slalom, the world ranking is still dominated by Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita). They keep their first place for the 23rd month in a row.
April 2019 World Ranking

There are no big changes in April World Rankings. All the leaders remain at the first position for one month more.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for 6th month in a row.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) is leading the Women's Speed Slalom World Ranking for 9th consecutive month.
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) keeps his world number one title already for 7 months in a row.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is the world number one for 6th month in a row.
Men's Battle World Ranking still led by Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) for 6 months in a row.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so for 9th month.
Slides Men : Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is leading the Men's Slides World Ranking for 9th consecutive month.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) keeps her world number one title already for 6th month in a row.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) keeps his world number one title already for 7 months.
Jump Women : Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) is the world number one for 7 months in a row. Thanks to her results last year, she is better ranked than Arianna Crippa (Ita) who is on the second position with the same number of points.
Pair Freestyle Slalom : Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keep their first place already for the 22nd month in a row.
March 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of March 2019 is online. There are no changes at the world's TOP this month and all the previous leaders kept their places for another month.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is the world number one for 5th month in a row.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) keeps her world number one title already for 8th month.
Men's Classic World Ranking still led by Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) for the 6th consecutive month.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so for 5th month in a row.
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is leading the Men's Battle Ranking for 5 months.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her world number one title already for 8th month in a row.
Slides Men : Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for the 8 consecutive month.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is the world number one already for 5th month.
Men's Jump World Ranking still led by Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) for 6 months in a row.
Jump Women : Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) is the world number one for 6 months in a row. Thanks to her results last year, she is better ranked than Arianna Crippa (Ita) who is on the second position with the same number of points.
In Pair Freestyle Slalom, the world ranking is still dominated by Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita). They keep their first place for the 21st month in a row.
February 2019 World Ranking

There are no big changes in February World Rankings. All the leaders remain at the first position for one month more.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) keeps his world number one title already for 4th month in a row.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) is the world number one for 7th month.
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for 5th month in a row.
Women's Classic World Ranking still led by Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) for the 4th consecutive month.
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) keeps his world number one title already for 4 months.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is leading the Women's Battle Ranking for 7th month in a row.
Slides Men : Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is the world number one already for 7 months.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so for the 4th consecutive month.
Men's Jump World Ranking still led by Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) for 5 months in a row.
Jump Women : Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) is the world number one for 5 months in a row. Thanks to her results last year, she is better ranked than Arianna Crippa (Ita) who is on the second position with the same number of points.
Pair Freestyle Slalom : Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keep their first place already for the 20th month in a row.
January 2019 World Ranking

The World Ranking of January 2019 is online. There are no changes at the world's TOP this month and all the previous leaders kept their leadership for another month.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for 3rd month in a row.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) keeps her world number one title already for 6th month.
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is leading the Men's Classic Ranking for 4th month in a row.
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is the world number one already for 3 months.
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so for 3 months in a row.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keeps her world number one title already for 6 months.
Slides Men : Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is leading the Men's Slides Ranking for 6th month in a row.
Women's Slides world ranking still led by Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) for the 3rd consecutive month.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 4 months in a row.
Jump Women : Giorgia Pavanello (Ita) is the world number one for 4 months in a row. Thanks to her results last year, she is better ranked than Arianna Crippa (Ita) who is on the second position with the same number of points.
In Pair Freestyle Slalom, the world ranking is still dominated by Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita). They keep their first place for the 19th month in a row, beating the previous record of Klaudia Hartmanis and Michal Sulinowski from Poland, who were on the top for 18 months in a row (Oct 2015 - March 2017).
We are happy to publish the first provisory Junior World Ranking for Slalom disciplines only for the moment. This ranking mostly based on 2018, 2 and 3 cones events, which were including a junior category.
This month, Chou Po Wei (Tpe) is leading all 3 Men's Junior Rankings : Freestyle Battle, Classic and Speed Slalom.
Sofia Bogdanova (Rus) is the world number one of the Women's Junior Freestyle Battle and Classic World Rankings.
Francesca Pettinari (Ita) is on the first place of the Women's Junior Speed Slalom World Ranking.
Summary of the 2018 Season

The main change of the 2018 World Ranking was the split of the freestyle ranking into Classic Freestyle and Freestyle Battle.
Valerio Degli Agostini, Best Freestyle Slalom Skater in 2018.
In the Men's Freestyle Classic World Ranking after 46 months on the top (an absolute record for continuous leadership for all disciplines), Sergey Timchenko (Rus), who stopped competing this year, was replaced by the current Classic European Champion, Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita). After one month, Valerio lost his first place in the benefit of Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita), who stayed on the top for two months in a row. In October 2018, Valerio Degli Agostini returned to the first place and he is now keeping the world number one title for three months in a row.
In the Men's Freestyle Battle World Ranking, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) was the leader of the first three months of 2018, then he gave back his position to Sergey Timchenko (Rus) for three months in a row. In July 2018, Lorenzo Guslandi returned to the top and stayed there for 4 months. Since November 2018, thanks to his excellent results this season, including 1 places of the PSWC and Busto Battle 2018, Valerio Degli Agostini took the leadership to finish the year with the World N°1 title.
Pedram Ranjbar, the regularity pays off.
After 11 months on the top of the Men's Speed Slalom World Ranking (since September 2017), Pedram Ranjbar (Aut) was replaced by Xiao Bing Cheng (Tpe), who held the world number one title for three consecutive months, thanks to an excellent beginning of season (he won all main events he took part - PSWC, Roller Club Cup and Inline Games 2018). Unfortunately Xiao Bing Cheng was injured and couldn't compete in the second part of the season's events. In November, 2018 Pedram Ranjbar came back to the top and he is still there for two months in a row.
Andrey Kanygin, a solid new comer in Freestyle Slides.
The leader of the Freestyle Slides World Ranking has changed three times this year.
Munkhtulga Jargalsaikhan (Mng) has been the world number one for 9 months in a row (since September 2017). In June 2018, Carlos Nelson (Esp) took the lead and he stayed at the top for two months in a row. From August 2018 until today the world number one title belongs to Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) (5 consecutive months), thanks to very good results the whole season.
Lorenzo Demuru, maybe the most versatile skater gets the Freejump crown.
Alexandre Fantuz (Fra) stayed at the Free Jump World Ranking top for 11 months in a row (July 2017 - May 2018). Anton Mosolov (Rus) kept the lead for 4 months in a row, and then he was replaced by Lorenzo Demuru (Ita), who is now leading the Free Jump World Ranking for three months in a row.
Klaudia Hartmanis, the new queen of Freestyle.
In the Women's Freestyle Battle World Ranking, the leader has changed three times. After 15 months at the top, the current Battle European Champion, Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) gave the leadership to Zoe Granjon (Fra), who held the title for 4 months in a row. Since August 2018, the first place in the Freestyle Battle World Ranking belongs to Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol), who won Battles of Polish Championships, Marshal Cup, Busto Battle, Conero Hero Battle and Freestyle Slalom Ketrzyn events. Let's see if she will be able to beat Darya's record, who lasted on top for 22 months in a row and 55 months in total.
The first leader of the Freestyle Classic Ranking was Zoe Granjon (Fra), who stayed on the top for 7 consecutive months. Further, the leading position was taken by Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe), who was the world number one for three months in a row. In November 2018, Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) went up to first place of the classic ranking and she is still there (2 months in a row), thereby leading both freestyle rankings at the moment. Klaudia was used to the podiums for years already, and she finally reached the top, no doubt she will do everything she can to keep it as long as possible !
The Speed Slalom's crown belongs to Granjon's family.
The Speed Slalom leadership was divided between the Granjon sisters. The first seven months of 2018, the first place belonged to Zoe Granjon (Fra), who held the lead for 34 months in a row, starting in October 2015 (the absolute record for the women's speed slalom). In August 2018, the first place went to her sister, Lily Granjon (Fra), who is now at the top for five months in a row, as she dominated clearly the 2018 season, winning Speed Slalom competitions of the World and Europe Championships, SSO 2018, Busto Battle, PSWC, Conero Hero Battle, French Championships and Rennes sur roulette events.
Bohdana Hotsko, winner of the 2018 duel with Natalia Krykova.
In the Freestyle Slides World Ranking two athletes were fighting for the leadership. The current World Champion, Natalia Krykova (Rus) was at the top for the first seven months of the year and 26 months in a row - a women's record in this discipline. In August 2018, Natalia was replaced by the current European Champion, Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) for two months, she returned at the top in October, and again lost the world number one title to Bogdana, who is still on the top (2 months in a row for the moment).
Giorgia Pavanello takes it all, in freejump women.
In Free Jump World Ranking the leader was changed three times this year. After a year at the top, Daria Kogoyakova (Rus) gave the leadership to Zhu Muyuan (Esp), who was staying on the first place for two months in a row. Since October 2018, the first place belongs to Giorgia Pavanello (Ita). Arianna Crippa (Ita) has the same number of points as Giorgia so the leader is determined only by comparing the results of both participants. As there can be only one, Giorgia Pavanello is the official World N°1 2018 ! We can't wait to see the duel between the two Italians in 2019 !
Valerio Degli Agostini & Lorenzo Guslandi to set a new record in Pair Freestyle Slalom.
The leadership in the Pair Slalom World Ranking belongs to Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi from Italy, who have been at the top for 18 months in a row. The current World and European champions, they reached the record of Klaudia Hartmanis and Michal Sulinowski from Poland, who were on the top for 18 months in a row (Oct 2015 - March 2017). Let's see how long they will stay at the top and which record they can reach !
December 2018 World Ranking

There are no big changes in December World Rankings. All the leaders remain at the first position for one month more. In addition to the December events, points for Rzeszow Slalom Battle, 2 cones competition of November, were added for this month.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) keeps his world number one title for the 2nd month in a row. Thanks to his second place in Rzeszow, Gian Marco Rosato (Ita) won 18 ranks and entered the TOP-20 on the 10th place. Sergey Bespalov (Rus), after his victory in Rzeszow, is up to the 15th position (+19).
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 5th month in a row. Ariana Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) is up to the 12th place, winning 4 ranks. Giovanna Bomfati (Bra) is down to the 17th position (-5).
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) keeps his world number one title for the 3rd month in a row. Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp) won 4 ranks and is up to the 4th position. Navid Armand (Iri) entered the TOP-20 on the 20th place. (+9).
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is leading the Women's Classic Ranking for 2nd month in a row. Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) won one rank and is up to the 10th position, replacing Justyna Czapla (Pol) to the 11th place (-1).
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) keeps his world number one title for the 2nd month in a row. Sergey Kozlov (Rus) is up to the 8th place, winning 6 ranks. Remy Menard (Fra) lost 4 places and is now on the 16th position.
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 5 months! The best up this month is for Maria Kosareva (Rus) who entered the TOP-20 on the 16th position (+18).
Slides Men : No changes in the TOP-10 this month. Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is leading the Men's Slides Ranking for 5th month in a row.
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) keeps her world number one title for the 2nd month in a row. Alice Tomatis (Ita) lost two places and is down to the 9th position.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is leading the Men's Free Jump Ranking for 3rd month in a row. The best up this month is for Roman Akberov (Rus) who entered the TOP-10 on the 9th position (+11).
Jump Women : Arianna Crippa and Giorgia Pavanello from Italy are still at the first place of the World Ranking. Giorgia Pavanello who was better ranked than Arianna Crippa twice (Busto and PSWC), is still taking the world number one title, and Arianna Crippa is taking the second place, they've been doing so already for 3 months!
Slalom Pair : Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keep their first place for the 18th month in a row. Daria Koniukhova and Anna Smirnova (Rus) lost 3 places and are down to the 7th position. Japanese Kawashima Natsuki and Wada Reina are up to the 4th place (+2).
Junior World Ranking
Dear skaters,
We are happy to announce that starting from January 2019, the World Ranking will be divided into the senior and junior categories in the freestyle disciplines (Freestyle Classic, Freestyle Battle and Speed Slalom). We will first publish a provisory ranking mostly based on 2018, 2 and 3 cones events, which were including a junior category, and we will step by step update it according to all 2019 events, month by month, for the Junior ranking to be 100% complete in December 2019 !
November 2018 World Ranking

The November 2018 World rankings are online.
After Shanghai Slalom Open and Wu Yi Shan Slalom Open many changes took place in November and there are four new World N°1 !
Classic Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol), after her 2nd place in Shanghai, becomes the new World N°1 ! This is the first time in her skating career, that she reaches this place in Classic Freestyle and that she leads both freestyle rankings, Classic and Battle. Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) is down to the 2nd place, after 3 months at the top. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) won one rank and is up to the 5th position. Zoe Granjon (Fra) is down to the 9th place, loosing 4 ranks. The best up this month is for Giovanna Bomfati (Bra) who entered the TOP-20 on the 15th position (+39).
Battle Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is the new leader of the Men's Battle World Ranking! He is now the world number one for both freestyle rankings, Battle and Classic. After 4 months at the top, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) lost one place and is down to the second position. Maxwell Santos (Bra) won 25 ranks and entered the TOP-20 on the 11th place.
Speed Men : Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) came back to the top of the World Ranking! Xiao Bing-Sheng (Tpe) couldn't compete in Shanghai this year so he lost 3 ranks and is down to the 4th place, after 3 months at the top. Jimmy Fort (Fra) won two position and is now second. Enrico La Volpe (Ita) is up to the 5th place (+5).
Slides Women : Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is on the top again! She won 2 ranks and pushed down Natalia Krykova (Rus) to the second position. Olga Fokina (Rus) is down to the third place (-1).
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) keeps his world number one title for the 2nd month in a row. His brother, Lorenzo Degli Agostini (Ita) won 2 places and is up to the 3rd position. Gleb Vinogradov (Rus) is now 4th (+2). Yuki Santoni Nicolhas (Ita) is down to the 10th place, loosing 7 ranks. The best up this month is for Kieran Kintrea (Gbr), who entered the TOP-20 on the 17th position (+45).
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 4 months! Lily Granjon (Fra) won 7 ranks and is up to the 4th position, thanks to her victory in Shanghai. Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) is up to the 14th place (+27).
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) keeps her world number one title for the 4th month in a row. Darya Kogoyakova (Fra) won 5 ranks and is now 4th. Gomathi Berti (Ita) is up to the 5th position, winning 7 places. Laura La Volpe (Ita) is down to the 11th place (-7). Giovanna Bomfati (Bra) entered the TOP-20 on the 12 position, winning 64 ranks.
Slides Men : No big changes in the November ranking. Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is leading the Men's Slides Ranking for 4th month in a row.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) keeps his world number one title for the 2nd month in a row.
Jump Women : Arianna Crippa and Giorgia Pavanello from Italy still keep the same quantity of points, thanks to what both of them are still at the first place of the World Ranking. Giorgia Pavanello who was better ranked than Arianna Crippa twice (Busto and PSWC), is still taking the world number one title, and Arianna Crippa is taking the second place.
Slalom Pair : Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keep their first place for the 17th month in a row. Zofia Brzezinska and Klaudia Hartmanis from Poland are now second (+7). Ogihara Misato and Ogihara Manami (Jpn) are up to the 3rd position (+7). Daria Koniukhova and Anna Smirnova (Rus) lost 2 ranks and are now 4th.
October 2018 World Ranking

The October 2018 World rankings are published.
After Busto Battle, the Italian main event, which was held in October, there are many big changes this month! We have even 4 new world N°1 in Men's Freestyle Classic, Women's Slides and Men's and Women's Free Jump categories!
Classic Men : Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) came back to the top of the Men's Classic Ranking. He won one rank and replaced Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita), who was on the first place for two months in a row. Thanks to his victory in Busto, Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita) won 10 positions and is up to the third place. Alessandro Lissoni (Ita) won 15 places and entered the TOP-20 on the 10th position.
Slides Women : After her first place in Busto, Natalia Krykova (Rus) is back to the top! She replaced Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) who was leading the ranking for two months in a row and now is down to the third place, loosing two positions. Olga Fokina (Rus) won two ranks and is now second. Zhu Muyuan (Esp) is up to the 4th position (+1). Laura Abraham Fernandez (Esp) lost 2 places and is now 5th.
Jump Men : Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is the new leader of the Men's Free Jump World Ranking for the first time of his skating career! He won 5 places and pushed down Anton Mosolov (Rus) to the second position after 4 months on the top. Enrico La Volpe (Ita) won 12 ranks and is up directly to the third place. Jakub Flaga (Pol) is down to the 4th position, loosing 2 ranks. The best ups for this month are for Dame Fall (Sen) and Pablo Soler Cabañero (Esp) who entered the TOP-10 on the 7th (+38) and 8th (+29) places respectively.
Jump Women : Italians, Arianna Crippa and Giorgia Pavanello won the same quantity of points after 3 main competitions each (Busto, PSWC and Inline Games), thanks to what both of them went directly to the first place of the World Ranking. Only a comparison of each result could determine the winners. Giorgia Pavanello was better ranked than Arianna Crippa twice (Busto and PSWC) so she is taking the world number one title this month then Arianna Crippa is taking the second place. After two months on the top, Zhu Muyuan (Esp) lost 5 ranks and is down to the 6th place. Elisa Paoli (Ita) won 9 positions and is now third. Natalia Krykova (Rus) is up to the 4th place (+3). Michela Pavanello (Ita) entered the TOP-10 on the 5th place, winning 14 ranks.
Speed Men : Xiao Bing-Sheng (Tpe) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 3 months! Alessandro Lissoni (Ita) is up to the third position, winning 7 ranks. Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita) won 14 places and is now 6th. Gian Marco Rosato (Ita) is up to the 11th place (+16).
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) keeps her world number one title for the 3rd month in a row. Laura La Volpe (Ita) won 9 ranks and is up to the 4th position. The best ups for this month are for Elisa Scaglia (Ita) and Ariana Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) who are up to 16th (+51) and 17th (+21) places respectively.
Battle Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is leading the Men's Battle Ranking for 4th mont in a row. Alessandro Lissoni (Ita) is up to the 7th place, winning 14 positions. Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita) entered the TOP-20 on the 19th place (+42).
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is the world number one already for 3 months. Zoe Granjon (Fra) is up to the second position, winning 5 ranks and displacing Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) on the 3rd place. Ksenia Dubinchik (Rus) is now 4th, she won 16 ranks! Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) lost two places and is now 5th. Maryna Boiko (Ukr) entered the TOP-20 on the 17th position, winning 27 ranks.
Classic Women : Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) is still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 3 months! Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is now 2nd, winning 2 places and replacing Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) on the 3rd position (-1). Ksenia Dubinchik (Rus) is up to the 4th place (+14). The best ups this month are for Yana Shemyakinskaya (Rus) and Maryna Boiko (Ukr) who are entered the TOP-20 on the 13th (+22) and 19th (+26) places respectively.
Slides Men : Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) keeps his first place for the 3rd month in a row. Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp) won two ranks and is now on the 2nd position. Brais Garcia (Esp) and Matheus Rezende Borges (Bra) lost one place and are down to the 3rd and 4th positions respectively.
Pair Slalom
: In the Pair freestyle Slalom world ranking, the italian pair Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi is still at the top for the 16th consecutive
September 2018 World Ranking

There are no big changes in September World Rankings. All the leaders remain at the first position for one month more.
Speed Men : Xiao Bing-Cheng (Tpe) keeps his 1st place for the second month in a row. Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) won one position and is up to the 4th place. Alejandro Cañero Gomez (Esp) is now 5th (-1). Italians, Valerio Degli Agostini and Enrico La Volpe won 1 rank and are up to the 6th and 7th places respectively. Benjamin Moreno (Fra) is down to the 13th position, loosing 4 places.
Speed Women : Lily Granjon (Fra) is still world number one! Her sister, Zoe won one place and is up to the second position. Elisa Paoli (Ita) and Wang Jia Wei (Tpe) are up to the 3rd and 4th positions respectively (+1). Valentina Pashkova (Rus) lost 7 ranks and is down to the 9th place. The best up for this month is for Catalina Toledo (Chi) who entered the TOP-20 on the 14th place, winning 32 ranks.
Battle Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keeps his World number one title for another month! Lorenzo Degli Agostini (Ita) won one place and is up to the 7th position, when Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp) is down to the 8th place (-1). Carlos Guirao (Esp) is now on the 20th position (-8).
Battle Women : Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is a leader of the Women's Battle Ranking. Nadezhda Zapuskalova (Rus), Justyna Czapla (Pol) and Zoe Granjon (Fra) won one rank and are up to the 5th, 6th and 7th places. Alba Garcia Patino (Esp) lost 7 positions and is now only 12th. Siomara Bello (Chi) won 31 ranks and entered the TOP-20 on the 18th place!
Classic Men : Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is still on the first place! Cristián Miranda and Ignacio Arevalo from Chile entered the TOP-20 on the 10th (+26) and 18th (+19) places respectively.
Classic Women : Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) keeps her world number one title for one month more! Zoe Granjon (Fra) is up to the 3rd place (+1). Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) lost one position and is down to the 4th place. Siomara Bello (Chi) entered the TOP-20 on the 15th place, winning 26 ranks.
Slides Men : No big changes this month, Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) is still on the first position of the ranking. Matheus Rezende Borges (Bra) is now third (+1). Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp) is down to the 4th place (-1).
Slides Women : TOP-10 knows no changes in September, Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) is a leader of the Women's Slides Ranking.
Free Jump Men : Anton Mosolov (Rus) keeps his title for one month more. Matias Beltran (Chi) entered the TOP-10 on the 10th place.
Free Jump Women : Zhu Muyuan (Esp) is still World number one. Marika Jeziorek (Pol) is down to the 6th position (-2). Arianna Crippa (Ita) and Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) won one rank and are up to the 5th and 6th places respectively.
Pair Slalom : No changes in TOP-10 this month. Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi from Italy are on the first position of the world ranking for one month more.

PSWC 2018 video & summary
Check out the PSWC 2018 Video !
This year again the best freestyle skaters came from all around the world to take part in the event.
Around 150 skaters from 15 countries enjoyed 3 full days of competitions dedicated to freestyle.
August 2018 World Ranking

The August 2018 World rankings.
This month, almost all disciplines have a new World N°1 !
in Speed Slalom men, after winning the Main Events in Berlin, Moscow and Paris, where he even beated the World record (KO) in 4.716 sec, Xiao Bing-Cheng (Tpe) becomes logically
the new world number one for the first time of his career ! He won 34 places this month to reach the top, in front of Austria’s Pedram Vakili Ranjbar who is down to the second
place after 11 months at the top. Jimmy Fort (Fra) keeps the 3rd place this month. A.Canero Gomez (Esp) loses 2 ranks and is down to the 4th place.
In the Women category, Lily Granjon (Fra) replaces her sister at the top after a 34 months domination ! The 2018 world champion, who also beated the world record this year, won
in Paris and was second in Berlin. Zoé Granjon (Fra), who is down to the 3rd place, ends here her domination with a record of 34 consecutive months at the top, and is only one
month behind the record of 35 total months at the top, still kept by Barbara Bossi (Ita). Valentina Pashkova (Rus) is up to the 2nd place this month, her best
rank so far. At the 4th place, Elisa Paoli (Ita) is slowly going up, after her victory in Berlin, and her 5th place in Paris.
In Battle Freestyle slalom women, Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) becomes the new world N°1 !! It is the first time she reaches the top after many years of competition being in the top 3
or top 5. K.Hartmanis becomes the first female Polish skater in history to reach the top in an individual freestyle discipline. Behind her, Vasilisa Maslova
(Blr) keeps the second place, and Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) is up to the 3rd place. Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) wins 14 places to reach the 4th place, and
Alba Patino Garcia (Esp) wins 8 places to reach the 5th place.
In Men Battle, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) keeps the 1st place, in front of Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) who is up to the second place and Lorenzo Demuru
(Ita) who is down to the 3rd place. Ambroise Nicolao (Fra) reaches the 4th place, his best rank so far.
In Classic Freestyle Slalom, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) reaches the top for the first time in his career, becoming now triple world N°1 (Battle, Classic, Pair), Valerio Degli
Agostini (Ita) is down to the 2nd place, only one month after taking the first place. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is up to the 3rd place, in front of the 2 Russians
Gleb Vinogradov and Sergei Kozlov, respectively 4th and 5th this month.
In Classic women, Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe), after a successful european tour, becomes the new World N°1 ! She is the first Chinese Taipei skater to reach the top of the freestyle
slalom ranking in history. Chiu Y.H. replaces Zoé Granjon (Fra) who is down to the 4th place, after 7 months at the top.
Vasilisa Maslova (Blr) and Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) keep their respective second and third rank this month. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) is down to the
5th place.
In Men Freestyle Slides, Andrey Kanygin (Ukr) becomes the new World N°1 ! He is the first Ukrainian to reach the top in history, for only 3 points in front of Brais
Garcia (Esp) who wins 5 places this month to reach the 2nd place. Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp) is down to the 3rd place this month after keeping the 1st place only 2
In the women category, another Ukrainian, Bohdana Hotsko is back to the first place, exactly 3 years after she lost it in August 2015. It is now her 11th month at the top,
replacing Natalia Krykova (Rus) who ends her domination of 26 months at the top, a record. N.Krykova is down to the 2nd place, in front of Spain’s Laura
Abraham Fernandez, who reaches the 3rd place for the first time in her career.
In Free Jump women, Zhu Muyuan (Esp) is the new world N°1 ! She becomes the first spanish skater to reach the first place in free jump in history. She replaces Darya
Kogoyakova (Rus) who is down to the 6th place, after keeping the lead for 12 months. Anna Petrova (Rus) and Maëliss Conan are up to the 2nd and 3rd
place respectively.
In the Men category, Anton Mosolov (Rus) keeps the first place for the 3rd consecutive month. Jakub Flaga (Pol) reaches his best rank so far going up to the
second place in front of Ivan Yelaev (Rus) who wins 36 places to reach the 3rd place.
In Pair freestyle slalom, the world ranking is still dominated by Valerio Degli Agostini & Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita). Daria Koniukhova and Anna Smirnova (Rus)
win 14 places this month to reach the second place, while the spanish pair Laura Alba Arroyo & Ines Segura Albala climb up to the 3 place this month.
July 2018 World Ranking

The July 2018 World rankings.
Big changes happened in the World Rankings in July 2018 !
We have 2 new world N°1 in Men Freestyle Classic and Freestyle Battle !
For the first time of his skating career, Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) climbs at the top of the Classic Freestyle Slalom World Ranking, winning 5 places ! He reaches this place
thanks to his victory in Berlin’s Main event.
As expected, Sergei Timchenko, who stopped competing this year, ends here his domination over the freestyle slalom disciplines, with 2 records; the total months at the top and
the consecutive months at the top of the male world ranking, setting the mark at 46. These 2 records will be very hard to beat !
Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is now at the second place of the ranking, only 4 points behind the first place, the struggle for the 1st place will be intense till the end of the year,
and nothing is set for the final 2018 ranking, as some other main events are expected later this year. Nathan Menard (Fra) is keeping the 3rd place this month, in front of
R.Lebois (Fra), who lost 2 places. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) and Gleb Vinogradov (Rus) win 7 places this month, to reach respective the 5th and 6th
In Battle Freestyle Slalom, Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) comes back at the top, after having introduced the 1st place in January for the new ranking system which separates Battle and
Classic. Let’s see if he can keep this rank and for how long, as the 2 other Italians, Lorenzo Demuru and Valerio Degli Agostini are going up very fast, both
winning respectively 5 and 14 places this month, to reach respectively the 2nd and 3rd places. Andrey Shitov (Rus) reaches the 4th place, winning one place, replacing
Nathan Menard (Fra) who is down to the 5th place. Lorenzo Degli Agostini (Ita) enters the top 20 at the 15th place, winning 45 places.
In Classic Freestyle Women, still led by french Zoé Granjon for the 7th consecutive month, followed by Vasilisa Maslowa (Blr), Klaudia Hartmanis
(Pol) climbs at the 3rd rank, winning 2 places, while K.Dubinchik (Rus) is down 2 places to the 5th place. Camilla Morbidoni (Ita) wins
21 places this month to come back in the world’s top 10, at the 9th place.
In Freestyle Battle Women, also led by Zoé Granjon (Fra), for the 4th consecutive month, and followed by Vasilisa Maslowa (Blr). Klaudia Hartmanis
(Pol) also climbs at the 3rd rank, winning 2 places. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) and Svetlana Stepanova (Blr) are down one place respectively to the 4th and
5th place.
In Speed Slalom men, Pedram Vakili Ranjbar (Aut) is still at the first place this month. Spain’s Alejandro Canero Gomez is up the 2nd place, his best rank so
far, while Jimmy Fort (Fra) is down to the 3rd place. Gian Marco Rosato (Ita) keeps the 4th place. Valerio Degli Agostini reaches the top 5 this
month, winning 11 places, while Brazilian Matheus Rezende Borges enters the top 10 at the 9th place.
In speed slalom women category, no change in the top 5. Zoe Granjon (Fra) sets the record of consecutive months at the top to 34, and is just one month away to equal the total
month record from Barbara Bossi. Let’s see if she can defend her postition next month ! Zoe’s sister, Lily Granjon (Fra) is going up to the 6th place, while the
winner of Berlin’s main event, Elisa Paoli (Ita), enters the top ten at the 9th place, winning 18 places !
The Freestyle Slides men’s ranking is still led by Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp), who is now followed by Matheus Rezende Borges (Bra) and Andrey Kanygin
(Ukr) who both win 6 places to reach respectively the 2nd and 3rd places. Former World N°1, Mongolian Munkhtulga Jrgalsaikhan, is down to the 4th place this month.
Leonid Volkov (Rus) keeps the 5th place.
In the women category, Russian Natalia Krykova continues to lead the ranking, for the 26th consecutive month, and is now followed by former world N°1 Olga Fokina
(Rus). Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr), thanks to her victory in Berlin, is up to the 4th place, and Laura Abraham Fernandez (Esp) is up to the top 5, winning 8
In Free Jump Men, Anton Mosolov (Rus) keeps the first place for the 2nd consecutive month. Abel San Honorio Calabuig (Esp) is up to the 2nd place, in front of
Vladislav Gatsenko (Rus) who keeps the 3rd place.
In the women category, Daria Kogoyakova (Rus) can celebrate a full year (12 months) at the top, while Sara Tereeszczuk (Pol) climbs up to the 2nd place and
Zhu Muyuan (Esp) keeps the 3rd place.
Natalia Krykova (Rus) is down from the 2nd place to the 7th place this month.
In the Pair freestyle Slalom world ranking, the italian pair Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi is still at the top for the 13th consecutive month.
Chiu Yin-Hsuan and Hsieh Mu-Lun (Tpe) are up to the second place, in from of Nicholas Quiriconi and Nicholas Yuki Santoni (Ita)
who are up to the 3rd place.
June 2018 World Ranking

The June 2018 World rankings.
Some changes took place in June and we have now two new World N°1 !
Anton Mosolov (Rus) is the new World N.1 in Free Jump ! After 11 consecutive months at the top, Alexandre Fantuz (Fra) who stopped competing this year is slowly
going down and is now still at the 2nd place. A.Fantuz set the record mark at a total of 23 months at the top of the world ranking. A long way to go for A.Mosolov who reached the top of the
ranking for the first time of his career. Another Russian skater, Vladislav Gatsenko, is up to the 3rd place, his best rank so far.
In the women category, Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) is keeping the first place for the 11th consecutive month. She in front of Natalia Krykova (Rus) and Zhu
Muyuan (Esp), respectively 2nd and 3rd.
In Freestyle Slides, Carlos Nelson Caro (Esp) is back to the first place ! 11 months after reaching the top for the first time in July 2017. Munkhtulga Jargalsaikhan
(Mgl) lost the first place after 10 months and is now down to the second place. Alejandro Canero Gomez (Esp) keeps the 3rd place this month.
In Freestyle Slides Women, no change in the top 5, still led by Natalia Krykova (Rus) for the 25th consecutive month. N.Krykova pushes her ongoing record a bit
higher again this month.
In Speed Slalom Men, Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) keeps the first place, for the 10th consecutive month. He’s in front of Jimmy Fort (Fra), who keeps the second
place with the same Best 4 as the 3rd ranked skater, Alejandro Canero Gomez (Esp) who has a lower total points.
The best up this month is for Philip Stalmakou (Blr) who enters the top 10 at the 9th place, winning 5 places this month.
In Speed Slalom Women Zoé Granjon (Fra) establishes a new record of the Consecutive months at the top, with 33 months ! She beats the old mythical record of Chloe
Seyres, which was established in 2010. Z.Granjon is now only 3 months away to beat the record of total months at the top, established by Barbara Bossi
(Ita) in 2014. Ewelina Czapla (Pol) is still at the second place, in front of Russia’s Valentina Pashkova.
In Battle Freestyle Slalom Men, Sergey Timchenko (Rus) is still leading the ranking, for 46 months already, putting his own record even higher. He’s followed by Lorenzo
Guslandi (Ita) and Romain Lebois (Fra) respectively 2nd and 3rd. As S. Timchenko announced his retirement from competition this year, he should lose his
rank quite soon, let’s see who will replace him at the top !
The Battle Freestyle Slalom Women ranking is still led by Zoe Granjon (Fra), for the third consecutive month. She’s now followed by Vasilisa Maslowa (Blr), who
took the second place from Daria Kuznetsova (Rus), who has still only 3 events for her best 4. Let’s see if she will be able to come back to the first place soon !
The Classic freestyle slalom Men ranking is also still led by Sergey Timchenko (Rus) in front of Romain Lebois (Fra). Nathan Menard (Fra) is now
up to the 3rd place, his best rank so far. Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) went out of the podium, and down to the 6th place losing 3 places this month.
Zoé Granjon (Fra) is still the leader of the Freestyle Classic Women ranking, for the 6th consecutive month. Vasilisa Maslowa (Blr) is up to the second place,
winning 1 rank, as well as Ksenia Dubinchik (Rus), who is up to the 3rd place. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) is now down to the 4th place, her lowest rank since May
2012 !
No change in the top 5 this month in Pair Freestyle slalom.
May 2018 World Ranking

The May 2018 World rankings.
No big changes happened in May World Rankings.
Zoé Granjon (Fra) keeps her triple crown this month, and equals the speed slalom record of Chloé Seyres (Fra), being at the top for 32 consecutive months ! The
only change in the top 10 is the come back of Wang Jia Wei (Tpe) at the 9th place.
No change in Speed slalom men top 5, A.Lissoni (Ita) enters the top 10 at the 10th place.
No change this month in the top 5 in Classic and Battle freestyle rankings Men and Women.
In Pair freestyle slalom, still led by V.Degli Agostini and L.Guslandi (Ita), italians R.Ferrari and A.Lissoni are up to the second place, in
front of Hsieh Mu Lun and Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe).
No Change in the top 5 of Freestyle Slides and Free Jump Men.
In Freestyle Slides women, J.Czapla (Pol) is up to the 5th place.
In Free Jump Women, Zu Mu Yuan (Esp) is up to the 4th place.
April 2018 World Ranking

The April 2018 World rankings are available !
Some big changes happened in the April World Rankings !
Zoé Granjon (Fra) becomes triple World N°1, by getting the first place in Battle Freestyle Slalom this month ! Daria Kuznetsova, who lost his points of Beidaihe (Chn) event has
now only 4 events counting points including 1 one cone event. She could get back at the first place soon if she competes and win a 2 cones event, as Zoé is only 88 points above her. The Russian
world champion, who is now 2nd in the Battle world ranking, ends her record serial being consecutively world N°1 at 22 consecutive months, for a total of 55 months. Vasilisa
Maslowa (Blr), reaches the 3rd place of the ranking this month.
In Classic Freestyle Women, Zoé Granjon keeps the first position, again in front of Daria Kuznetsova, and Vasilisa Maslowa also reaches the 3rd
place in this discipline.
In Speed Slalom Women, the french champion also keeps the first position, for 31 consecutive months, only one month away to equal the record of 32 months established by C.Seyres
in 2010 !!
Ewelina Czapla (Pol) keeps the second place this month, and Valentina Pashkova (Rus) reaches the 3rd place.
In Men Battle freestyle slalom, Sergei Timchenko (Rus) reaches the first place this month, while Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is down to the second place.
Romain Lebois (Fra) keeps the 3rd place.
In Men Classic freestyle slalom, the Russian continues his record serial being at the top of the ranking, setting the new mark to 44 consecutive and total months. Lorenzo
Guslandi is down to the 5th place, and is replaced at the second position by Romain Lebois (Fra), followed by Italian V.Degli Agostini, 3rd in the World
this month.
In Speed Slalom Men category, still led by Ranjbar Vakili Pedram (Aut) in front of J.Fort (Fra) and A. Cañero Gomez (Esp), the only change in
the top 10 is the switch between G.M. Rosato (ita) who is up to the 4th place, and L.Guslandi (Ita) who is down to the 5th place.
In Freestyle Slides Women, Natalia Krykova (Rus) establishes a new record of consecutive months at the top, setting the new mark at 23 consecutive months.
D.Kogoyakova (Rus) keeps the second place this month, in front of Zu Muyuan (Esp) who reaches the 3rd place.
In freestyle Slides Men category, no change in the top 5, Jargalsaikhan Munkhtulga (Mgl) keeping the first place in front of C.Nelson (Esp) and A.Cañero
Gomez (Esp).
In Pair Classic freestyle slalom, still led by the pair L.Guslandi/V.Degli Agostini (Ita), R.Ferrari/A.Lissoni (Ita) are up to the 2nd place, while Chiu
Yin Hsuan/Hsieh Mu Lun (Tpe) are down to the 3rd place.
No change this month in Free jump top ten.
March 2018 World Ranking

The March 2018 World rankings are available !
No change this month in the top 20 in all disciplines except in jump women, where Polish skater Jeziorek Marika wins 2 places to reach the rank n.8.
In Freestyle Slides, Natalia Krykova (RUS) equals Olga Fokina’s record of 22 consecutive months at the top of the world ranking ! One more month and she will set
a new record in this category !
February 2018 World Ranking

The February 2018 World rankings are available !
All the leaders remain at the first position.
The top 20 of the Classic Freestyle World Ranking remains the same.
Zoé Granjon (FRA) is still leading for the 2nd month in a row! No changes for the top 20 in the men category.
Sergey Timchenko (RUS) adds one more month to his leadership (42)!
The top 20 of the Battle World Ranking knows no change.
Daria Kuznetsova (RUS) remains at the first position for the 21th month in a row, adding one more month to her total of months at the top (54)! The 20 first skaters in the men
category keep their ranks for one more month.
Lorenzo Guslandi (ITA), the World N°1 is still leading.
In the Speed Slalom Ranking, Zoé Granjon (FRA) is still leading for the 29th month in a row! The top 20 doesn’t know any change.
In the men category, the top 20 didn’t change either, Pedram Vakili Ranjbar (AUT) still leads the Speed Slalom World Ranking for the 6th month in a row!
In Freestyle Slides, Natalia Krykova (RUS) still leads the World Ranking for 21 months, and she needs 1 more month to equal Olga Fokina’s record of consecutive
months at the top (22)!
In the men category as well, no change in the top 10.
Jargalsaikhan Munkhtulga (MGL) remains World N°1 with still 1 point more than the World N°2 Carlos Nelson (ESP).
In the Free Jump Women World Ranking, the top 10 has changed a bit. Daria Kogoyakova (RUS) starts her 7th months being World N°1. Sara Tereszczuk
(POL) is the new World N°3 and Justyna Czpala (POL) is up to the 5th place. Alexandre Fantuz (FRA) still leads the Free Jump World Ranking, adding one
more month to his record (20). Abel San Honorio Calabuig Abel (ESP) and Flaga Jakub (POL) won 1 place and are up to the 7th and 10th places respectively.
In Pair freestyle slalom, the Italians Valerio Degli Agostini & Lorenzo Guslandi are still the Wolrd N°1 for the 8th month in a row.
New January 2018 World Ranking

The January 2018 World rankings are available !
Big News ! The Freestyle World Ranking is now divided in two parts : the Classic World Ranking and the Battle World Ranking, so there are four new World N°1 this month ! These two World Rankings are based on the previous year of competitions.
For the third time of her career in three different disciplines, Zoé Granjon (FRA) starts this new year being the World N°1 in Classic Freestyle Slalom thanks to her victory in Moscow at the Roller Club Cup, her 2nd place at the Paris Slalom World Cup, her 3rd place at the Inline Games in Berlin and her 4th place at the Shanghai Slalom Open, with a best 4 competitions of 1057 points. She is followed by the World N°2 Daria Kuznetsova (RUS) with 1018 points thanks to her victories at the Paris Slalom World Cup and at the Inline Games in Berlin, and the World N°3 Chiu Yin Hsuan (TPE) with 976 points thanks to her victory at The Shanghai Slalom Open.
In the men category, Sergey Timchenko (RUS), leads the new Classic World Ranking and keeps his leadership of the 3 past years, thanks to his victories at the Paris Slalom World Cup, the Inline Games in Berlin and the Roller Club Cup in Moscow, with a total best 4 competitions of 1100 points. Right behind him the World N°2 Lorenzo Guslandi (ITA) with 983 points, followed by the World N°3 Romain Lebois (FRA) with 977 points. Romain is in front of the World N°4 Valerio Degli Agostini (ITA) for only 1 point !
In the Battle Freestyle Women World Ranking, Daria Kuznetsova (RUS) keeps her leadership with the World N°1 rank thanks to her victories in the main 3 cones events of the year, with a total best 4 competitions of 1100 points. The World N°2 Zoé Granjon (FRA) is behind her closely with 1088 points, followed by the World N°3 Klaudia Hartmanis (POL) with 919 points. The World N°4 Vasilisa Maslowa (BLR) has only 5 points of difference with Klaudia.
For the third time of his career in three different disciplines, Lorenzo Guslandi (ITA) reaches the top of the ranking being the World N°1 in Battle Freestyle Slalom thanks to his victories at the Namwon Korea Open and the Arnold Classic Europe in Barcelona. Lorenzo has less victories than the World N°2 Sergey Timchenko (RUS), but he has done more podiums during the main 3 cones events. Sergey has a total best 4 competitions of 1100 points, followed by the World N°3 Romain Lebois (FRA) with 985 points.
Zoé Granjon and Sergey Timchenko are respectively World N°1 and N°2 in Classic Freestyle and Battle Freestyle Rankings, whereas Daria Kuznetsova and Lorenzo Guslandi are respectively World N°1 and N°2 in Battle Freestyle and Classic Freestyle Rankings. Let’s see if they will keep their places and for how long !
As in 2016 and 2017, Zoé Granjon (FRA) starts 2018 at the first place of the Speed Slalom World Ranking with a total of 28 consecutive months at this place, she is getting closer to Chloé Seyres’ record of consecutive months at the top (32), as well as Barbara Bossi’s record of the total months at the top (35) ! There are no big changes in the top 20, except Laurine Moreno (FRA) who is up to the 5th place and Paulina Czapla (POL) who is down to the 6th place.
In the men category, Pedram Vakili Ranjbar (AUT) starts the year at the first place of the World Ranking. It is his 5th month as World N°1 in Speed Slalom, let’s see if he will end 2018 still at the first place, and if he will get closer to catch new records !
In Freestyle Slides, Natalia Krykova (RUS) still leads the World Ranking for 20 months, and she needs 2 more months to beat Olga Fokina’s record of consecutive months at the top (22) !
Jargalsaikhan Munkhtulga (MGL) starts 2018 as World N°1 with still 1 point more than the World N°2 Carlos Nelson (ESP).
In Free Jump World Ranking, Daria Kogoyakova (RUS) starts her 6th months being World N°1.
In the men category, Alexandre Fantuz (FRA) keeps improving his record of consecutive months being World N°1 (19).
The Italian pair Valerio Degli Agostini & Lorenzo Guslandi are still the Wolrd N°1 for the 7th month in a row.
WSSA 2018 New Rules

The 2018 new WSSA rules are there !
The new 2018 rulebook is now available !
After the annual WSSA rules session, where the WSSA rules committee discuss and vote about how to
improve the rules, few changes appeared to be applied for the future events.
Among the modifications of the rules, here are the main changes for 2018 :
In Clssic Freestyle Slalom, the main change is that a cone penalty is now 1 point instead of 0,5 points ! Precision will pay more and mistakes will
be more expensive than before.
There will be also points penalties for non performing enough tricks (-2 points per trick) or not performing
tricks in all families (-3 points per family) during the performance.
It is now officially forbidden to wear a mask or to use face painting
during the performance.
In Speed Slalom, an definition of "Time out" appeared. Also, no more start box for finals in KO mode.
In Battle Freestyle Slalom, skaters can be now penalized for next events or for world ranking, if they give up the competition without a valid medical reason, after the first
round groups are published.
In Freestyle Slides, a new slide tricks matrix has been introduced, to update the level of the tricks.
It is now forbidden to touch the floor, with hands, even one. So even if a skater just touch one hand on the floor, the slide will not count.
In Free Jump, the "entry jump" has been introduced, stating that all skaters must jump the first bar of the competiton, as an introduction/presentation to the competition. The
"Golden jump" has also been introduced, in case of tie for places 1-2-3.
Final 2017 World Ranking

The final 2017 World Rankings are published !
With more events and more skaters than in 2016, the World Slalom Series continue to grow and more and more skaters are joining the world rankings.
In the 2017 freestyle slalom rankings, Russians Daria Kuznetsova and Sergey Timchenko keep their 2016 title of World N°1. One more year at the top for them and
new records of the most consecutive months and total months at the top. Daria Kuznetsova is now at the top for already 19 months, and she has been at the top 52 months in her
whole career so far, which is the record all categories together !
Sergey Timchenko, on his side set the best mark at 40 consecutive months at the top, which is as well the best consecutive total of all categories !
In the 2017 speed slalom final rankings, Zoé Granjon (FRA) kept her rank the whole year, and she is the first female skater in speed slalom’s history to be final World N°1 for 3
consecutive years ! With 27 months at the top, Zoé is now on the way to catch Chloé Seyres’ record of the number of consecutive months at the top (32), and as well
Barbara Bossi’s record of the total months at the top (35) !
In the men category, this year has turned out in favour of the fastest Austrian skater ever, Pedram Vakili Ranjbar, who just entered the senior category in 2017. With already 4
months at the top, he has time in front of him, but still far to catch the current records of Italians Tiziano Ferrari - 24 consecutive months at the top - and Simone Nad
Oleari - 27 months total at the top.
In 2017 Freestyle Slides, Natalia Krykova (Res) kept as well her 2016 rank, being the second skater ever to do so after Olga Fokina (Rus). N. Krykova is now at
the top for 19 consecutive months, closer and closer from the record of the most consecutive months at the top. (O.Fokina - 22).
Mongolia’s Jargalsaikhan Munkhtulga, finishes the year 2017 at the top, for only 1 point ! Let’s see how long he will be able to keep his rank as the skaters behind him,
and especially Spain’s Carlos Nelson will do their best to replace him !
In 2017 Freejump, French Alexandre Fantuz came back at the top and set up a new record of the total months at the top of the world ranking with 18 months. In the women category,
it is Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) who took the place of Maëliss Conan (Fra), who didn’t compete as much this year. D.Kogoyakova will need to improve
her jumps height in 2018 if she wants to stay at the top !
The italian pair Valerio Degli Agostini & Lorenzo Guslandi finishes 2017 on the top of the pair freestyle world ranking.
November World Ranking

In the November World Rankings, few changes happened due to the Russian, Polish and Chinese prime events.
In Freestyle Slalom men, Ye Hao Qin (Chn) continues his way up and is now back in the top 10 at the 9th place, thanks to his victory in Wuyishan Battle competition.
Wang Ding Yu Xin (Chn) now enters the women's top ten at the tenth place. .
In Speed slalom women, Liang Hsuan-Min (Tpe), reaches the second place of the world ranking, her best rank so far. Wang Jia Wei 5tpe), thanks to her victory in Wuyishan, is back
in the top ten at the 9th place.
In the men's speed slalom category, Sergey Timchenko (Rus) is up to the 6th place thanks to his victory in Vladimir's prime event.
October World Ranking

No big changes in the World Rankings this month ! All the leaders keep their rank and even the top 5 of all disciplines kept stable.
In Freestyle Slalom, Chinese Ye Hao Qin, who didn’t compete at all outside of China this year, comes back in the top 20, at the 19th place thanks to his double victory in Suqian.
The former world n.1 can still come back in the top ten this year, if he reaches the top 3 in one of the 2 cones events of the end of the year, as he has still only 4 events out of 5 giving him
Another chinese skater, Zhang Li Feng, enters the top 20 at the 17th place.
Among women, Wang Ding Yu Xin (Chn) is up to the world’s 11th place, thanks to her double victory in Suqian.
In Speed slalom women, Liang Hsuan-Min (Tpe), enters the top 10 at the 9th place, thanks to her victory in Suqian event.
The world ranking leaders are adding one month at the top, here are their current statistics :
(consecutive months), (total months)
Freestyle slalom :
Sergey Timchenko (Rus) : 38 months (New ongoing record), 38 months (New ongoing record)
Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) : 17 months, 50 months (New ongoing Record)
Speed Slalom :
Pedram Ranjbar Vakili (Aut) : 2 months, 2 months
Zoé Granjon (Fra) : 25 months, 25 months
Freestyle Slides :
Jargalsaikhan Munkhtulga (Mgl) : 2 months, 2 months
Natalia Krykova (Rus) : 17 months, 19 months
Free Jump :
Alexandre Fantuz (Fra) : 4 months, 17 months (New ongoing Record)
Kogoyakova Darya (Rus) : 3 months, 3 months
Pair Freestyle :
Degli Agostini Valerio / Guslandi Lorenzo (Ita) : 4 months, 4 months
Full rankings available here
September World Ranking

September brings us 2 new world ranking leaders !
As expected, Pedram Vakili Ranjbar (Aut) climbs on the top of the Speed Slalom Men world ranking this month ! He is the first Austrian skater ever to reach a
first place in the history of the World Slalom Series. Thanks to his victory in Barcelona’s main event, he is now scoring almost 200 points more than Jimmy Fort, who is down to
the second place. As no more main event is scheduled in 2017 the Austrian skater will finish the year keeping the first place, a big achievement for him as it was one of his main goals this year.
Alejandro Canero Gomez (Esp) reaches the top 3 this month, his best rank so far, thanks to constant good results in the main events and his 4th place in Barcelona.
In the women category ,still lead by French Zoé Granjon, Ewelina Czapla (Pol) goes up to the second place, winning 9 places thanks to her victory in Barcelona’a
Main Event. She’s followed by the Russian current best speed slalomer, Valentina Pashkova, who is up to the 3rd place. Laurine Moreno (Fra) enters the top 5 at
the 5th place.
With 2 new leaders in 2 months, the freestyle slides ranking is one of the most active rankings of the moment. Mongolian skater Munkhtulga Jargalsaikhan is now the new freestyle
slides world number one ! He is the very first skater from Mongolia to reach the top of a world ranking in the history of the World Slalom Series. For only 1 point, Carlos Nelson
(Esp), up to the second place, misses the chance to come back on the first place that he lost one month ago. He is followed by Alejandro Canero Gomez (Esp) who shows
he’s also a talented slider. Denis Shirobokov (Rus) is down from the first place to the 4th place, as he missed the last main event of the season.
In the Women ranking, still lead by Natalia Krykova (Rus) freshly crowned Champion of Europe, Daria Kogoyakova (Rus) comes up to the second place, passing former
world number one Olga Fokina (Rus) who is now ranked third.
No big changes in the freestyle slalom men & women rankings as the top 3 skaters kept their rank. Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) is up to the 4th place in the women ranking and is only
13 points from the podium. In the men category Ambroise Nicolao (Fra) and Hsieh Mu-Lun (Tpe) enter the world’s top 10 respectively at the 9th and 10th
In free jump category, despite another title of European champion, Maeliss Conan (Fra) continues to go down and is now at the 5th place.
In Pair freestyle, Chiu Yin-Hsuan & Hsieh Mu-Lun (Tpe) are slowly going up and reach the second rank this month, their best rank so far.
Full rankings available here
August World Ranking

The August’s World Rankings bring us surprises again, with not least than 3 new leaders !
First, in Speed Slalom Men, French Jimmy Fort made it to the first place for the very first time of his career ! 5 years after his brother Yohan, the new world number one shows
that speed slalom is in the family’s blood. J.Fort’s best rank until today was a second place, and thanks to his good summer performances he could finally reach the top.
The speed slalom ranking has never been so tight, as the 4 best skaters are in 23 points only. We can say that the number one will have a hard time to defend his throne, especially against
Austrian Pedram Vakili Ranjbar, who won 14 places this month to go up to the second place, only 18 points behind the leader. P.Vakili Ranjbar is promised to become the very first
world number one from Austria in the next September ranking, as he only counts 4 events points and no points to lose.
Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) lost his crown only after two months at the top, and is down to the 3rd place.
The speed slalom women’s ranking is still lead by French Zoe Granjon, but Italian speed slalom skaters made a good come back in the world’s top 3, with Laura La
Volpe coming from the 5th place up to the second place, the best rank of her career, and Martina Orini, winning one rank this month up to the 3rd place. We can note a
nice 4th place for Svetlana Stepanova (Blr) who reaches her best rank ever at the 4th place.
In Freestyle Slides men’s ranking, Denis Shirobokov (Rus), thanks to his victory in Moscow, is back to the first place, after having let it to Carlos Nelson for
only one month. The spanish skater is down to the third place, only one point behind the new world number two, the Mongolian Munkhtulga Jargalsaikhan, who reaches his best rank
so far.
No big Change in the women’s slide ranking, being still lead by Natalia Krykova (Rus), followed by Olga Fokina (Rus), except for the third place which has been
taken by another russian skater, Daria Konyukhova, who won 6 places to reach her best rank ever.
We have another new leader in free jump women ! After only one month at the top, Natalya Krykova (Rus) got back down to the second place, letting her compatriot Darya
Kogoyakova become the new world number one, for only 4 points. A logical result, as out of 4 confrontations against N.Krykova, the new leader won 3 of them this season so far.
Maëliss Conan (Fra) lost again some points for not competing in main events and is down to the world’s 3rd place.
In the Men’s free jump ranking, no change in the top 3, still lead by French Alexandre Fantuz, in front of Italians Lorenzo Demuru and Matteo
Pallazzi, respectively second and third. Russian Mikhail Smirnov goes up to the 4th place, thanks to his victory in Moscow.
The Freestyle Slalom Men’s ranking is still lead by Russia’s Sergei Timchenko, for the 36th month in a row, setting up again and again the record of time being number one, which
is now 3 years !! Romain Lebois (Far) goes back up to the 3rd place, and is now only 31 points behind Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita), second. We can note the fast
comeback of Zhang Hao, who passed from Junior category to senior category this year. the chinese skater is up to the 7th place, by winning 16 places, and still has many potential
points to get before the end of the year, as senior results give him much more points that what he could get last year.
In the women’s freestyle slalom ranking, Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) keeps her crown for one more month. French Zoe Granjon, is up to the second place, and
Ksenya Dubinchik (Rus) down to the third place. Daria Konyukhova (Rus) and Svetlana Stepanova (Blr) enter the world’s top 10 respectively at the
9th and 10th places.
Full rankings available here
July World Ranking

After the two main events Paris PSWC and Berlin Inline games, the July world ranking shows us the ups and down tendancies of the 2017 season, and already 3 new leaders reached the
After her first place in slides women category that she keeps for already 14 months in a row, Natalia Krykova (Rus) reaches for the first time of her career the first place in
Free Jump ! N.Krykova is the first skater in history to be World number one in both Free Jump and Freestyle slides disciplines. She is also the first skater to
pass in front of Maeliss Conan, who set up the record of 30 months in row being the world number one, and who is down from the top for the first time in her career.
In Freestyle Slides category, Carlos Nelson (Esp) reaches the first place for the first time of his career, the 2015 Champion of Europe is also the first spanish
skater in history to be World N.1, in any category. Denis Shirobokov (Rus), after 12 months on the top, is down to the second place. Thanks to his good results and especially his
victory in Paris, Jargalsaikhan Munkhtulga (Mgl) reaches the world's top 3 for the first time in his carreer.
In Pair Freestyle Slalom, the italian duo Degli Agostini/Guslandi, winner in Paris, reaches the first place for the first time of their career, overtaking their
compatriots Quiriconi/Rotunno who kept the first place for only 3 months.
In Freestyle Slalom Men and Women, russians Sergey Timchenko and Daria Kuznetsova keep their first place. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) reaches the 4th
place this month, and Nathan Menard (Fra) enters the men's top 10 at the 9th place. The best up this month is for Hsieh Mu Lun (Tpe) who enters the top 20 at the
12th place, winning 60 places. On the women's side, Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) enters the top ten at the 6th place. The best up is for Vasilisa Maslowa (Blr) who
enters the world top 10 at the 9th place.
In Speed Slalom Men, Italians rule the world, placing 3 skaters in the top 3, and seven skaters in the top 10. Lorenzo Guslandi keeps his first place for the
second month in a row, just in front of Valerio Degli Agostini and Gianmarco Rosato. S.Timchenko (Rus), with his 5th place reaches his best rank so far in this category.
F.Faugno (Ita) and A.Lissoni (Ita) enter the world's top 10 at the 8th and 10th place respectively.
The Speed Slalom Women category is still dominated by Zoé Granjon (Fra), who consolidated her first place thanks to her victories in Paris and Berlin. She is
followed by the 2 polish sisters, Paulina and Ewelina Czapla, respectively 2nd and 3rd this month. Martina Orini (Ita) reaches the top 5 at the 4th place, and
the best up is for Valentina Pashkova (Rus) reaching the top 10 at the 7th place, winning 18 places.
The free jump world ranking is still lead by french skater Alexandre Fantuz, for the second month in a row, and the 14th month of his career.
June World Ranking

The World Ranking of June is already published. Italian prime event, Rollercup Battle 2017, brought us a lot of changes in the top levels. There are now new leaders in the Men's Speed Slalom and Men's Free Jump categories!
Speed Men : After 11 months on the TOP, Alexandre Claris (Fra) lost 7 places and is down to the 8th position. Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is the new leader of the Men's Speed Slalom World Ranking, for the first time of his skating career! He is the 4th Italian skater on the Men's Speed Slalom TOP after Tiziano Ferrari (24 months), Luca Ulivieri (2 months) and Simone Nai Oleari (27 months). Let's see for how long Lorenzo will keep his leadership. Jimmy Fort (Fra) is now on the second place (+3). Nicholas Yuki Santoni (Esp) won 2 positions and is now fifth. Lorenzo Demuru (Ita) is now ranked 7th (+3). Sergey Timchenko (Rus) lost one place and is down to the 9th position.
Free Jump Men : Alexandre Fantuz (Fra) who was leading the Men's Free Jump World Ranking in 2015-2016 (June 2015 - July 2016), came back to the TOP! After 11 months, Daniel Zukowski (Pol) lost one place and is down to the second position. Gonzalo Cobo (Arg) is now on the 5th place (+4). Florian Petitcollin (Fra) is now ranked 7th (+ 3).
Freestyle Men : Sergey Timchenko (Rus) remains the world number one already for 34 months! Alexandr Timchenko (Rus) lost 8 places and is down to the 11th position. Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita) is up to the third place, winning 2 ranks. Russians, Gleb Vinogradov and Artyom Puzanov won 1 place and are up to the 5th and 6th positions respectively. Romain Lebois (Fra), Lorenzo Demuru (Ita), Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita) are now on the 7th, 8th and 9th places respectively (+2).
Freestyle Women : Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) keeps her first place for 13 months in a row! Zoe Granjon (Fra) is down to the 6th place, loosing 1 rank. Anastasia Zenkova (Rus) is up to the 5th position (+1). Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) won one place and is now 11th.
Speed Women : Zoe Granjon (Fra) is the world number one for 21 months in a row! The former leader of the Women's Speed Slalom World Ranking, Cristina Rotunno (Ita) (July 2012, Sept 2012 - August 2013), won 15 places and is up to the second position. Paulina Czapla (Pol) lost one rank and is now third. Gomathi Berti (Ita) is now ranked 4th (+2). Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is down to the 5th place, loosing 2 positions.
Slides Men : Denis Shirobokov (Rus) remains the world number one already for one year! Cesar Granados Martin (Esp) is up to the third place, winning 3 ranks. Herve Guillou (Fra) is down to the fourth position (-1). Huang Hai Yang (Chn) is now ranked 9th (+1).
Slides Women : Natalia Krykova (Rus) keeps her first place for 13 months in a row! Zhu Muyuan (Esp) entered the TOP-10 on the 10th place, winning 3 ranks.
Free Jump Women : Maeliss Conan (Fra) is the World number one for 30 months in a row! Claudia Massara (Ita) won one place and is now 4th. Justyna Czapla (Pol) is down to the fifth position (-1). Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) is up to the 6th place (+4). Bohdana Hotsko (Ukr) entered the TOP-10 on the 7th place, winning 5 ranks.
Freestyle Slalom Pair : Nicolas Quiriconi and Andrea Rotunno from Italy are the World number one for 3 months in a row. Chen Yong Tang and Chen Zhi Fa (Chn) and Yue Xin Ze and Wang Zi Kang (Chn) won one place and are up to the 6th and 7th positions respectively. Sitprasert Angkrit and Wanitchayapisit Thanachot (Tha) are down to the 8th place, loosing 2 ranks.
May World Ranking

The World Ranking of May is online. There are no changes at the world's TOP this month and all the previous leaders kept their leadership for another month.
Freestyle Men : TOP-20 is staying the same. Sergey Timchenko (Rus) keeps his first place for 33 months in a row!
Freestyle Women : The Women's TOP-20 didn't change either. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) remains the world number one already for one year!
Speed Men : Alexandre Claris (Fra) is the world number one for 11 months in a row! Jimmy Fort (Fra) won 7 places and is up to the 5th position. Benjamin Moreno Hauvel (Fra) is now 14th (+6). Alexander Timchenko (Rus) is up to the 15th place, winning 2 ranks. Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita), Nicolhas Yuki Santoni (Ita), Sergey Timchenko (Rus), Herve Guillou (Fra), Lorenzo Demuru (Ita), Matteo Allegrini (Ita) and Denis Shirobokov (Rus) lost one position and are down to the 6th-12th places respectively.
Speed Women : Zoe Granjon (Fra) still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 20 months! Lily Granjon (Fra) won 6 position and is now 13th. Francesca Conzi (Ita) entered the TOP-20 on the 14th place, winning 7 ranks. Valentina Pashkova (Rus) is down to the 16th position (-3). Cristina Rotunno (Ita) lost 2 places and is now 17th.
Slides Men : The Men's TOP-10 didn't change this month. Denis Shirobokov (Rus) keeps his first place for 11 months in a row!
Slides Women : No change in the Women's TOP-10 either. Natalia Krykova (Rus) remains the world number one already for one year!
Free Jump Men : The Men's Free Jump TOP-10 is staying the same. Daniel Zukowski (Pol) is the World number one for 11 months in a row.
Free Jump Women : Maeliss Conan (Fra) stays on the first position already for 29 months. Claudia Massara (Ita) is up to the 5th place, winning one rank. Mallaury Dubernet (Fra) is now 6th (-1).
Freestyle Slalom Pair : TOP-10 knows no changes this month. Nicolas Quiriconi and Andrea Rotunno from Italy are keeping their world number one title for the second month in a row!
WSSA Freestyle Slalom Coaching Program

Congratulations to Michal Sulinowski (POL), Klaudia Hartmanis (POL), Kieran Kintrea (GBR) and Maxime Villa (FRA) who successfully passed the course in London on June 8,9&11 2017.
April World Ranking

The World Ranking of April is finally online! First main and prime events of this season brought us some changes in the top levels of the World Ranking. There are now new leaders in the Freestyle Slalom Pair Category!
Freestyle Slalom Pair : European Champions and Vice-World Champions 2015, Nicolas Quiriconi and Andrea Rotunno from Italy are now the new leaders of the Slalom Pair World Ranking for the first time in their skating career! After 17 months on the TOP, Klaudia Hartmanis and Michal Sulinowski (Pol) lost 2 places and are down to the third position. The current World and European Champions, Valerio Degli Agostini and Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) are up to the second place, winning one rank.
Freestyle Men : Sergey Timchenko (Rus) remains the world number one already for 32 months! Alexandr Timchenko (Rus) lost one place and is down to the third position. Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) is now second (+1). Gleb Vinogradov (Rus), thanks to his good performance in Namwon, won 5 ranks and is up to the 6th place. Artyom Puzanov (Rus) is up to the 7th position (+1). French skaters, Alexandre Claris and Romain Lebois lost two places and are down to the 8th and 9th places respectively.
Freestyle Women : Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) keeps her first place for 11 months in a row! Camilla Morbidoni (Ita) lost two ranks and is down to the 7th position. Zoe Granjon (Fra) and Anastasia Zenkova (Rus) won one place and are now 5th and 6th respectively. Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe) won 22 ranks and is up to the 12th place. Anna Smirnova (Rus) is now on the 15th position (+17). The best up of this month is for Lalida Mokkharat (Tha) who won 39 ranks and entered the TOP-20 on the 17th place.
Speed Men : Alexandre Claris (Fra) still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 10 months. Alexander Timchenko (Rus) is down to the 17th place, loosing 13 ranks. The best results of April is for Yang Zeng Liang (Tpe), who won 45 places and is up to the 15th position.
Speed Women : Zoe Granjon (Fra) is the world number one for 19 months in a row! Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol) is down to the third place (-1). Paulina Czapla (Pol) is now second (+1). Camilla Morbidoni (Ita) lost 5 ranks and is down to the 10th place. Daria Konyukhova (Rus) won 7 positions, entering the TOP-20 on the 20th place.
Slides Men : No change in the TOP-10. Denis Shirobokov (Rus) remains the world number one already for 10 months.
Slides Women : The Women's TOP-10 didn't change either. Natalia Krykova (Rus) keeps her first place for 11 months in a row!
Free Jump Men : The Men's Free Jump TOP-10 is staying the same. Daniel Zukowski (Pol) stays on the first position already for 10 months.
Free Jump Women : Maeliss Conan (Fra) is the World number one for 28 months in a row. Darya Kogoyakova (Rus) won two ranks and is up to the 10th position.

First prime event of the season, which was held in Chinese Bei Dai He, in the new video, filmed and edited by Carlos Nelson.
New video : Highlights 2017 Beidaihe International Inline Skating Open

Here are the best moments of the Bei Dai He Slalom Open event! Enjoy this new video, made by Vidal XM, about the first prime competition of 2017 season, which was held in China at the end of April.
Two WSSA World Records for Lo Pei-Yu and Pan Yu Shuo!

Two new WSSA World records which have been made during past World Freestyle Skating Championship, which took place in Thailand in November 2016, have finally been validated.
WSSA Slalom Tricks

All the WSSA slalom tricks, which were filmed few years ago, are now collected and uploaded on the official WSSA YouTube channel. Visit our page to refresh your skills and to learn something new!
March World Ranking

The World Ranking of March is online. There are no changes at the world's TOP this month and all the previous leaders kept their leadership for another month.
Freestyle Men : No change in the TOP-20. Sergey Timchenko (Rus) keeps his first place for 31 month in a row!
Freestyle Women : The Women's TOP-20 didn't change either. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) remains the world number one already for 10 months.
Speed Men : The Men's Speed Slalom TOP-20 is staying the same. Alexandre Claris (Fra) is the world number one for 9 months in a row.
Speed Women : No changes in the TOP-20, Zoe Granjon (Fra) still on the first place and she’s been doing so already for 18 months.
Slides Men : Denis Shirobokov (Rus) keeps his first place for 9 months in a row.
Slides Women : Natalia Krykova (Rus) remains the world number one already for 10 months.
Free Jump Men : Daniel Zukowski (Pol) is the World number one for 9 months in a row.
Free Jump Women : Maeliss Conan (Fra) stays on the first position already for 27 months.
Freestyle Slalom Pair : Klaudia Hartmanis and Michal Sulinowski from Poland remain the world number one already for 18 months.
New video : Freestyle slalom skating in Miami 2017 by Alex Shu

In the anticipation of the upcoming season, check this sunny video from Alex Shulgan, which he filmed in Miami!
February World Ranking

The World Ranking of February is already here! All the leaders stay at the first positions for another month.
Freestyle Men : The TOP-20 knows no changes this month. Sergey Timchenko (Rus) remains the world number one already for 30 months!
Freestyle Women : There is no change in the TOP-20. Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) keeps her first place for 9 months in a row.
Speed Men : Nothing changed in the Men's Speed Slalom TOP-20. Alexandre Claris (Fra) is still on the first place and he’s been doing so already for 8 months.
Speed Women : The TOP-20 is staying the same in February. Zoe Granjon (Fra) is the world number one for 17 months in a row.
Slides Men : Denis Shirobokov (Rus) remains the world number one already for 8 months. Raphael Ferradou (Fra) won 6 places and is up to the 8th position. Dmitriy Goshko (Blr) and Huang Hai Yang (Chn) are down to the 9th and 10th places respectively, loosing 1 rank.
Slides Women : Natalia Krykova (Rus) keeps her first place for 9 months in a row.
Free Jump Men : Daniel Zukowski (Pol) stays on the first position already for 8 months.
Free Jump Women : Maeliss Conan (Fra) is the World number one for 26 months in a row.
Freestyle Slalom Pair : Klaudia Hartmanis and Michal Sulinowski from Poland keep their first place for 17 months.
New video : REPEAT by Klaudia & Michal